Designing With Color Using Colors on a Website

Designing With Color Using Colors on a Website

Have you ever met someone who had such a strong personality that when they entered a room they would grab your attention, and when they left they would leave an imprint in your memory? That’s exactly how your users should react when they enter and leave your website. Color on the Web is an excellent way to improve your Web designs.

Choosing the right colors for your website is just as important as selecting graphics and content. Colors have many effects on people. Certain colors can invoke specific emotions in people. Emotional reactions can affect the image of your company in the visitors mind and can have a major effect or your company’s “brand”.

What colors to use

Logos are often underestimated. But when it comes to branding, logos are the most important thing. They set the tone for what colors you should use on your website. You should use the color of your logo on your website, so that when users visit your site, they’ll feel like they’re on the right site, and they’ll feel secure about using your site. If the colors you use are inconsistent with your logo, it’s likely users will not only feel like they’re on the wrong site, but they’ll also feel that your site is not professional. This affects their trust in your site. If users don’t trust your site, there’s no chance they’re going to use it.

The variants of colors

Neutral Colors
 – Whites stand for purity and cleanliness. In eastern cultures white is the color of death while in western cultures in is the color of marriage and hope.

 – Grays exude reliability and conservatism. Shades of gray are one of the most popular colors for business attire.

 – Browns stand for the earth, home and family.

Blacks – Blacks tend to signify power, elegance and sophistication. In western cultures also stands for death.

Warm Colors
 – Reds are good for attracting attention. That is why they are frequently used in sales letters to emphasize specific points. Red symbolizes, anger, violence, lust, passion and can actually raise people’s blood pressure.

 – Yellow can mean weakness or cowardice as well warmth and happiness.

 – Orange is associated with fall harvesting and Halloween. It can also stimulate a person’s appetite.

 – Pinks usually symbolize innocence, femininity and romance.

Cool Colors

 – Blue has a calming effect on people. It exudes intelligence and trust. It is a surprising that many financial and health care institutions use blue themes. Blue can also suppress appetite.

 – While the green stands for jealousy, greed and inexperience, it also stands for money and wealth.

 – Purple tends to symbolize creativity. The darker shades were once reserved for royalty and the lighter shades are usually associated with romance.

Web Safe Colors Vacuum tubes, LCD and Plasma screens all display colors differently. There are 216 colors that can be displayed on every type of monitor in every web browser and will look almost identical. These 216 are called web safe colors. If consistent color is important, you should only use web safe colors on your websites.

Color Schemes
 Color schemes can be composed of a single color, complimentary colors or contrasting colors.

Single Color
 — Single color schemes uses several different shades and intensities of a single color on a white background. For example, if you want to use a red color scheme, you can use everything from the lightest pink to a red so dark it is almost black.

Complementary Colors
 – Complementary color schemes use two or more colors that look good together and create a pleasant blend that is appealing to most people. One color may be dominant and the other used to compliment it.

Contrasting Colors
 – Contrasting color schemes use two or more dominant colors to create an “eye grabbing effect”. For example, using a dark blue page background, a deep red frame around a white background text area with black text is a typical contrasting color scheme. When you come to designing your website, choose you color scheme just as carefully as you choose your graphics and content. The overall appearance will determine the impression the visitor gets of your company and can mean the difference between success and failure.


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